
Monday, August 16, 2010

Crack The Code

crack the code: yjr ;smhishr pg fphd. jpe fp fphd vp,imovsyr? O jsbr pgyrm epmfrtrf jpe fphd vp,imovsyr, O lmpe yjru nstl, niy fp foggrtrmy nstvld ,rsm foggrtrmy yjomhd? Is it all a code for us humans to crack, like the one above? Do different barks mean different things? Or is it just the tone in which the bark? Do they use body language, like a flick of the head meaning "come here"? Or are they just not as developed as us humans? Much as I would like to belive they aren't, I think the probablly are... I think they may have an unsophisticated series of signs and movements meaning different things but mainly they just make it up as the go...

I think these are interesting questions, so what do you think are the answers???

P.s. That cartoon from

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